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Bill Clark Pest Control of Beaumont , TX
Open Now: 24/7
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What Customers Are Saying
“Bill Clark Pest Control does a great job. We had a pharaoh ant problem that I could not get rid of on my own after multiple attempts. They came out and took care of it first trip out. Their techs are knowledgeable and thorough. They'll take care of whatever is buggin' you.”
Jason S. via Google
Kenneth A. via Google
“What is the deal with Bill Clark pest control spraying the neighborhood at 8:30PM when children are out playing at the park, people of the neighborhood are out walking their dogs, etc.? Am I the only one that is concerned about this? While, yes, I'm thankful that the City of Lumberton does this to help control pests such as mosquitoes, there are more appropriate & safe times to do so and frankly I value my health, current, and future well being... I was passed 3 times in less than 15 minutes & not once did the driver bother to shut the spraying down not even while passing directly by me. I was infuriated by the 3rd pass & began motioning for him to shut the mist down while passing me & he just waved me off as if I were the nuisance, unbelievable. Ironically he wasn't willing to roll his window down & breathe in the same insecticide that he expected all of us to. If those were his own children playing at the park, I can't image that he wouldn't move them inside. I have called & made formal complaints to both Jeff Franks of Bill Clark & the City of Lumberton manger Steve Clark. Clearly, my concerns were not heard. Franks explained what a large job this is & assured me that if his driver's were to pass a civilian that they were to shut down the fogger until they passed by the individual at least, I have yet to witness this happen. I made certain the driver today saw me & he positively "didn't give a rip". Clark, City manager, told me he would try to post something in the paper warning citizens of the time frames this typically takes place, so that we can at least be informed & know when to expect this stuff to be blasted in our faces and stay inside if we don't want to inhale it directly and face side effects (whether now or in the long term). I have yet to see this article, but if anyone has noticed it, please share it online so that others are informed. On the evening of Monday, March 26th around 9:30-10PM, I was walking in the neighborhood with my dog when a single cab truck driven by Bill Clark personnel -employed by the City of Lumberton- was spraying insecticide & passed me three different times without ever turning off OR stopping to caution me OR give me the opportunity to move indoors. This same incident happened again on 07/02/2018 around 8:30PM, while I witnessed children outside playing at the park. Again, 3 passes, flagged him down, made sure he saw me, no stopping, no concern. Please review the cautions given in the material provided to me by Bill Clark, stating that this fogger "may be fatal if swallowed and enters airways". Additionally the only active ingredients actually listed are the "harmless" oils and then the other 83% of the ingredients are unnamed, probably due to their harmful nature. Please be informed that this is supposed to be taking place on Monday evenings, keep yourself, children, and animals inside during this time if at all possible. It appears that it's taking place somewhere between 8-10PM. If I were the Mayor or City Manger of Lumberton, TX, you can bet that I would order this to be done during late hours when at least more of the citizens I have an oath to look out for are indoors sleeping. If Bill Clark is not equipped to handle the job only during "sleeping hours" perhaps it's time the City hires a larger outfit that can. I have never lived in another city that has executed this service while it's tax paying citizens are out enjoying summer weather and I've lived in enough different cities to know.”
Amanda H. L. via Google