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The information featured on this page is based on our best estimates of pricing, package details, contract stipulations, and service available at the time of writing. This is not a guarantee. All information is subject to change. Pricing will vary based on various factors, including, but not limited to the customer’s location. For the most accurate information, please ask your customer service representative. Clarify all fees and contract details before signing a contract or finalizing your purchase.
User Reviews
What Customers Are Saying
“Bill Moore came out to the house for an infestation of cockroaches. He was very knowledgeable and thorough. I called late in the afternoon and they were able to come out the next day. Reasonably priced too. I would highly recommend them.”
On T. L. via Google
“Total rip off ! We're they nice sure they were. I had a horrible infestation brought in by used furniture thank you craigslist! Paid the intial start up fee 100 plus. Then $45 after that . Then if they skip a few months its $85 over a year goes by still have roaches and I complained they call it maintaining the problem so they don't kill the bugs they just maintain them? Total waste of my money.”
Queen B. via Google
Brian W. via Google