Best Chipmunk Traps

Updated for 2024

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Best Chipmunk Traps

Contrary to what you may think about a chipmunk’s cute and tiny presence, these furry little rodents can actually cause significant damage to your property. Effecting homes, yards, and gardens, the activities of a chipmunk can be destructive.

Chipmunks burrow into the ground. These burrows are their permanent homes and can impact the structural integrity of your home in serious cases. Other minor damage from chipmunks typically revolves around the damage caused to gardens, lawns, and plants due to digging and eating.

If you’re tired of dealing with chipmunks chewing up your gardens or burrowing in your lawn, there are several options available to you. We have rounded up a few of our favorite chipmunk traps for you to review.

Additional Advice

When tackling a problem that has to do with any kind of rodent, it is always a good idea to gain a little knowledge on the subject first. Learning about an animal’s habits, lifecycle, and behaviors can give you a jumpstart on the process of eliminating the issue.

We have provided you with some more information about chipmunks that may help you in your battle to get rid of them. Read on to educate yourself on chipmunks and their lifestyle further.

The biggest concerns about chipmunks is what they can do to your lawn.

About Chipmunks

Chipmunks, as you are probably aware, are small rodents. They tend to be just two to six inches long with a three-inch tail and weigh less than one pound.

Chipmunks typically live to be about two to three years old in the wild. They are commonly seen with shades of brown, yellow, and grey in their fur and often feature a white and black stripe down their back.

You can often find chipmunks in wooded areas that house plenty of logs, shrubs, trees, bushes, etc. The woods are a perfect place for chipmunks. However, they are common in urban areas like parks and backyards. As long as there is sufficient coverage, chipmunks will be happy.

These small rodents like to burrow. They create burrow systems beneath the ground that can go as deep as three feet. It is in these burrows that the chipmunks will store food and hibernate.
Since chipmunks are very small and vulnerable, they tend to dig their burrows directly next to or under some kind of cover, like a shrub or a tree.

Like other rodents, chipmunks hoard food and store it in their homes so that come winter they have a sufficient supply. They breed twice a year, once in the spring and once in the summer, and give birth to about four or fives babies each time.

Chipmunk Damage

Regarding property damage, it’s likely that chipmunks are the least of your concerns. However, they can harm things in your yards.

Since they are hoarders, you may find that chipmunks have made their way into your gardens. They can easily find fruit, vegetables, and plants to steal from and chew up. They can also occasionally dig up plants and bulbs as a snack.

One of the biggest concerns about chipmunks is what they can do to your lawn. Since these little rodents burrow a lot, they have the potential to do some damage to your lawn. The bigger the burrows, the greater the chance is that parts of your lawn could collapse inward.
Additionally, the openings of these burrows are little holes all over your yard.

While it’s very rare, it is possible that a large enough burrow with enough chipmunks could eventually cause structural damage to your home or other equipment like sheds.

Getting Rid of Chipmunks

The first and easiest answer to this question is to invest in some good small rodent traps. Often, these traps will have places to put bait that will attract the chipmunks to them. One of the best baits you can use is peanut butter. It is easy to apply and spread, and rodents love it.

Make sure that when you do get your traps, you put them in areas of high activity. This increases your chances of catching the rodents and will help to expedite the process.

Once you have captured the chipmunks, be sure to take them at least five miles away from the capture site. Chipmunks know where they have borrowed, so if you only take them down the street, there is a good chance they will find their way back.

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