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Mosquitonix of Atlanta , GA
Open Now: 24/7
The information featured on this page is based on our best estimates of pricing, package details, contract stipulations, and service available at the time of writing. This is not a guarantee. All information is subject to change. Pricing will vary based on various factors, including, but not limited to the customer’s location. For the most accurate information, please ask your customer service representative. Clarify all fees and contract details before signing a contract or finalizing your purchase.
User Reviews
What Customers Are Saying
“We have been a customer of MosquitoNix since 2009 and have nothing but great things to say about them. Being a mother of 2 young kids who love to play in the backyard, we couldn't survive without it. When we decided to invest the money in their misting system, I have to say I was a little skeptical, but their 100% guarantee made me feel better about it. We are avid gardeners, so it makes that possible too and doesn't harm pollinators or birds. It has completely changed our ability to entertain, play, and just enjoy our backyard.”
Angel T. via Google
“A few weeks ago, I was in the process of planning a Graduation BBQ for my daughter, but I was extremely worried about the guests being "eaten alive" by the mosquitos. I searched online for different pest control companies. Last year, I used a pest control company and the mosquitos returned two days after the treatment. I decided that perhaps it would be much better to use a company that actually "specialized" in "mosquito control" and came upon the MosquitoNix website. Honestly, I anticipated a "hard sell" in an effort to get me to buy into the Custom Misting System. But, there was no hard sell. The system was thoroughly explained, but I already knew I was only willing to invest in treatment system. However, I must admit the misting system is quite impressive. To make a long story short, I was pleasantly surprised. First, no one complained of mosquitos at the BBQ. Second, after about two weeks, I noticed there were still no mosquitos. Then came the final test. Last week, I took my chance at having a glass of wine in the evening out on the deck and not a mosquito in sight. I am definitely pleased with the service, product, and professionalism offered by MosquitoNix. I'm finally able to enjoy my outdoor space without the worry of mosquitos and without the smell of insect repellent on my skin.”
D. D. F. via Google
Adam G. via Google