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No Bugs of Santa Clarita , CA
Open Now: 24/7
The information featured on this page is based on our best estimates of pricing, package details, contract stipulations, and service available at the time of writing. This is not a guarantee. All information is subject to change. Pricing will vary based on various factors, including, but not limited to the customer’s location. For the most accurate information, please ask your customer service representative. Clarify all fees and contract details before signing a contract or finalizing your purchase.
User Reviews
What Customers Are Saying
“No Bugs was a pleasure to work with and showed me that there are other ways to get rid of pests without harmful pesticides by utilizing organic solutions instead. Now I don't have to worry about exposing my pets or children after the pest control guy leaves. A+”
Jonathan S. via Google
“Such wonderful and courteous service. These guys are so quick to respond to any concerns or questions you have and always willing to help. I've been with them for several years and never had any bug problems (thank goodness! because I can't deal with insects/spiders/ants/etc.). You always know what day they will come to spray since they notify you in advance and because they use all organic sprays I never have to worry about my kids playing outside. I work from home and can see the thoroughness of their spraying along the house and on the plants. I highly recommend them if you're looking for top notch service.”
Sandy K. via Google
“This method works great. I don't have to worry about my kids, dogs or plants. The service technician are first rate.”
Neil J. via Google